My name is Gary Cullen. I live in Buford, GA. I have been fascinated with trains since I was a child. This started when my grandfather who was a motorman on the IRT shared his experiences with me. It then grew during my early teen years as I used to ride my bike to the tracks to watch trains in Central Valley, NY & hike to the Moodna Viaduct. During the early 70's I would see high speed PA's & F's blow past and fell in love. I moved to Georgia when I was 16 & would always try to catch the trains here on the NS & CSX Fallen Flags. I started photographing trains when I was 17. I first started by borrowing my Dads Pentex SLR. My parents then gave me a Minolta X700 as a graduation present. It really took off then. I photographed many trains & scenes from my teens to present day. I switched to Cannon SLR's around 2000. I now shoot mostly with an EOS80D, and several point & shoot digitals. I have boxes of older 35mm photos & negatives, & am in need of a good scanner. That will enable me to share more of my older photos. Some of my older photos posted are older scans and are usally much better than they show up. Any recommendations on a good scanner or corrections to my postings are welcomed. I currently work part time as a Locomotive Engineer for a local tourist railroad. I also share my railfan experiences with my son. Some of the photos on my pages are taken by him and he loves trains as well. I also try to take photos whenever I travel. Thanks for visiting my site, & enjoy! I welcome any comments & communications. Gary
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